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Старый 21.04.2014, 14:57
@Windy, Claim for an Oscar?
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Старый 21.04.2014, 14:58
Only after the third part))))))))))))
Старый 21.04.2014, 15:01
I propose to take Sergei Svetlakov for the main role!

Старый 21.04.2014, 15:04
Старый 21.04.2014, 15:05
As for the aliens they kept staying and going slightly mad.
Старый 21.04.2014, 15:06
Старый 21.04.2014, 15:07
Старый 21.04.2014, 15:08
Старый 21.04.2014, 15:10
Старый 21.04.2014, 15:10
Mission impossible(( Send another ship! - that were the last words of the old green captain.
Старый 21.04.2014, 15:11
Will they (Svetlakov & Galustian) get reali, I wonder?
Старый 21.04.2014, 16:14
I think Leonardo Di Caprio will be good as aliens comandor. And will not receive Oscar... again!
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Получен подарок 01.06.2017, 08:51 от Неизбежность
Сообщение: Спасибо за участие в конкурсе песни ВОВ! - Неизбежность
Старый 21.04.2014, 20:23
Сообщение от Лазарус Посмотреть сообщение
I think Leonardo Di Caprio will be good as aliens comandor. And will not receive Oscar... again!
I don't like him! I think he sutes only as ordinary fat disgusting alien
Старый 21.04.2014, 21:29
I don't like him too. But let him be a fat disgusting alien comandor. And I don't understand "sutes".
Предметы и подарки Спасибо
Получен подарок 01.06.2017, 08:51 от Неизбежность
Сообщение: Спасибо за участие в конкурсе песни ВОВ! - Неизбежность
Старый 21.04.2014, 21:36
gays how can u not like , love,adore Leo ?
It's not humanly possible
Now you got me thinkin' you both are aliens as well
Старый 22.04.2014, 10:01
Старый 22.04.2014, 10:32
Старый 22.04.2014, 10:48
So, as I understood, most of us oppose Leonardo Di Caprio as right and masculine hero))))))) It serves him right!!
Старый 18.05.2017, 23:57

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